Dark mode
Light mode
Anxiety - Ă„revus
Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune
Equal Rites
Half-Real - videogames
How the World Thinks - global philosophy
Murakami - Novelist as a Vocation
Never split the difference - negotiating
The Art of Loving - what is love
The Collector LiblikapĂĽĂĽdja
The Emotional Energy Factor - energy
The Network State - digital goverments
The People in the Trees
The Power Of Now - enlightenment
Unmasking Autism
Unmasking Autism - Oro
What's Our Problem - political discourse
When Good People Have Affairs - affair roots
Caregiving, Nurturing
Caring for dogs
Leadership, Work, IT
Great Hackers
Hackers and Painters
How To Give Feedback
How to Start a Startup
Law Of Leaky Abstractions
Leadership and project management
No Silver Bullet - Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering
Normalization of deviance
Software Architecture is Overrated Clear and Simple Design is Underrated
The Iceberg Secret Revealed
The Joel Test 12 Steps to Better Code
The One Minute Manager
What Is Software Design
Life, Psychology, Philosophy
9 tactics to build a stronger mind
16 seconds to change a habit
AI panic
Argue smarter - debate coach Bo Seo
Bishop Robert Barron - Christianity and the Catholic Church (Lex Fridman Podcast)
Call of Duty boosts IQ
Carl Jung
Century of The Self
Corporeal Mime - GUILLAUME PIGÉ
Cult of Done
Darkest Truths About Life
Discipline, Willpower, Motivation
Divorce stress
Do not chase happiness, become antifragile
Dr K's Guide - Anxiety
Dr K's Guide - Depression
Dr K's Guide - Meditation
Enneagram and personality types
Entropy - spreading of energy, not chaos
Evaluation of Russia by finnish intelligence colonel
Everyone Is Beautiful and No One Is Horny
Has the sexual revolution backfired
Have we become programmed to be too materialistic?
How Inflation Enriches Politicians and the 1%
How spirituality protects your brain from despair
How to Control a Crowd
How to Live
Hustle culture kills happiness
Integral Life, Intentional Communities, Friend Village
Intro to Economic Life
Key to Writing Criminally Good Relationships
Labor of Inspiration
Learn How To Learn
Metatheory of Ego and Society Development
Nominal rigidity
Nõustamine - Councelling.md
Outliers - extended families, better health outcomes
Overthinking Won't Solve Your Problems
Poly relationships
Richard Haier IQ Tests, Human Intelligence, and Group Differences (Lex Fridman Podcast)
Runescape is good for you
Self Love Isn't Enough - Benefits Of Bootcamp
Self-Improvement Addiction
Stutz - The Tools
The Future of 5up - Using 500 IQ to Find Purpose
The Good Life
This is not who I am
Tightrope of Discipline
Understanding People
Vegan diets do not work, here is why
What Affects Mental Health
What is Self-Realization - A Full Explanation and Walkthrough
What is the most fulfilling way a human can spend their life
What Others Think of You and Leaky Feelings
What to focus on - life is a multi armed bandit
Why Do Men Not Open Up
Why Everyone Is Quitting Their Job To Play Call of Duty
Why finding a partner is so hard in the internet age
Why I'm against empathy
Why sex, food, and shelter aren’t enough for Homo Sapiens
Why so many people need glasses now
Why You Feel Lost in Your 20s
You probably need way more Protein
Elden Ring
Fromsoft Soulslikes
Iraani Konverents
Komöödia by Mart Kangro
Metal Gear Rising - Revengeance
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Nier Automata
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Paus Istu Mine
Päva lõpuks kiigu
Persona 4
The Bear
Zom 100
2022 kokkuvõte, CERN, üksi elamine
Agape Kohvik SuveCamp 2023
Home cafe - Kodukohvik
Kaitsevägi, ajateenistus
Trollid järve ääres
Writing campaings and oneshots
2 items under this folder.
Dec 20, 2024
Dec 20, 2024