
Don’t become a zombie, embrace the chaos, all the beauty and pain

Do you become Ms Analyst, minmaxing everything for the perfect future that never arrives without a break? Do you become the Akira, waking up to a long lost childhood sensibility of not caring, of embracing the desire to fulfill your spontaneous wants? How will you walk the Tightrope of Discipline?

Zombies the people who conform or just people in general that we do not connect with enough to recognize them as separate beings The danger of crushing under the expectations of society = danger of getting bitten

Episode 3

Akira and Kencho: Jealousy of others doing well, when they only show the good sides The pressure of keeping up appearance, even with close friends, that will eventually break either the relationships or the mask itself To keep on the mask of a real estate agent (the modern symbol of minmaxing income, “success”), pretending to enjoy it while essentially scamming people. Or to strip and become a stand-up comedian (the antithesis of “success”) and make people laugh, help them relate, share their pain.

Episode 4

Yet what if what you want to do does not live up? You realize your childhood dream of becoming a flight attendant, but then it turns out that people are really nasty and will take it out on you? Persist and enjoy the positive impact?

Episode 5

Shark episode, E5: Do you need a reason for everything? “When you’re hungry, you eat! When you see a cute girl, you want to talk to her!” You need not justify, you do not owe explanations. Listen to your heart not what others expect of you.

Episode 7

To walk your own path with all its perils, or submit to someone to have them provide safety? What do you “NEED” and what do you WANT?

Opening Excerpts

Upset the order Metamorphosis from a classical life Once upon a time, long ago Humans ate, slept, danced, and laughed Endless pain, societal pressure The morning news portrays it as normal Waking up to a forced routine Burger for breakfast, a supernatural shift

It will eventually come to an end
Emptiness alone isn’t enough, right?

Rather than an illusory eternity
Let’s dance in the present

Ending Excerpts

Acting bored
In my everyday life, focused only on efficiency
You may call it a fine life
But it feels a bit wasteful

If I were to think of this day as the last of my life
Even Steve would laugh, let’s try something new

Now, I want to search for happiness
It’s okay to leave the key behind
As long as I’m living and laughing, it’s all good
Now, even in a place with nothing
It doesn’t mean there’s nothing there
What do you say? Alright!
Let’s be excited about today

It’s okay to take detours
It’s okay to suddenly start singing
Until everything comes to an end