From the good life is not for the weak - Sisyphus 55

Having your shit together is not a state of being but a process.

But the good life process according consists of:

  • Openness and vulnerability - contrasted by defensiveness by locked ego

Direction which constitutes the good life is that which is selected by the total organism, when there is psychological freedom to move in any direction. -Carl Rogers

Self and personality emerge from experience, rather than experience being translated or twisted to fit preconceived self-structure. It means that one becomes a participant in and an observer of the ongoing process of organismic experience, rather than being in control of it. -Carl Rogers

  • Trust in self - instead of completely relying on others/systems/groups to copy decisions from

Combined, these three describe the process as: Person moves in a direction in an open, engaged manner and makes total use of their awareness and insight in order to make self-directed decisions.