From: - HealthyGamerGG Dr K’s Guide - Meditation

“If you study eastern philosophy you will be able to find some answers about what to do with your life” literally see mis juhtus, ma olen megatänulik sellele

“You seem spiritually gifted, posessing this almost born-with detachment, this ability to look at yourself and ask: what are the systems that make me myself and how does that relate to the world?” “Not about trauma or unprocessed negative bundles of emotions, but rather about the confusion about how life works, what to do with it, where to go” Kuidas ta alati tahab kindel olla, et ta räägiks täpselt teemast. Et küsimus ja vastus oleks samal lehel, mõlemad mõistaksid, millest jutt on. Et jutt oleks struktureeritud, defineeritud, ilma möödarääkimiseta. “No idea mis teha? Aight lets do random bullshit!” tüüpi lähenemine, kuid samas kõlab raiskamisena?