whatever - 5v6 Men vs. Women (LAST SHOW) | Dating Talk #67 (from about 2:45:40)

There are a lot of complaints from people saying that “every guy/girl is trash” while they keep dating the same kinds of people. Abundance of choice leads to the removal of accountability (The Art of Loving - what is love). So attractive and/or successful people have a huge huge number potential partners. What this usually leads to is that these people with a lot of choice can disregard anyone and not put their ego aside, put in the work to be the perfect partner themselves. So instead of taking time to analyse themselves, people can say “fuck it, I don’t want to deal with this” and move along to find the next one, hoping that the next one can be The One. Without taking the time to see why they might be running into “incompatible” people this loop will just continue. Were they mistreating you or were you mistreating yourself?

Even more interesting is that social media supercharges this feeling of choice regardless of success/attractiveness. The knowledge of options, that there is always another potential partner and that the fact that it is possible to actually more or less see what these people are like, how they act, how they are in relationships from the internet, daily, leads people to also employ this “fuck it I don’t have to deal with anyone” mindset. Even when someone meets an amazing potential partner, they might not try to make it work, might not put in the effort or even worse, might not even consider it because of some minor “red flag” because there “might be someone even better.”

The abundance of choice can often lead to this kind of god complex where we can start to think that we are superb partners and that any incompatibility is because of someone’s elses flaws. The internet age has brought up a generation of blameless people who genuinely think they are gods gift on earth and deserve all the best without ever taking the time to recognize their own flaws or taking accountability.