From: Overthinking Won’t Solve Your Problems: Here’s Why (related to Dr K’s Guide - Anxiety)

In this day and age there is a belief that thinking more, having high intelligence, IQ is good, and more = better.

Data shows that the opposite is true, overthinking leads to more mistakes, thinking can be a problem in and of itself.

Thinking can not be a substitute for other things. Overthinking can not be solved by more thinking.

Social anxiety is the best example: thinking while prepare for social situation, analysing while in social situations, beating oneself up after the situation. At each step the thinking is actually the problem and has an overwhelmingly negative effect at each stage.

Thought is not a substitute for socializing, or learning.

Theorycrafting is an illusory solution, real solution lies in experience and learning. Don’t THINK… DO!

You wouldn’t watch 100hrs of youtube tutorials on CSGO and then expect to get better, sure the videos can help get you ideas, but first and foremost you must play yourself.

Not only that but with overuse the other parts of the brain become atrophied.